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If you are going to Spain and you don't speak any Spanish, it may be difficult to communicate that you are a vegetarian or that you have an allergy.  Below you will find the perfect answer!

I'm Vegetarian: Soy vegetariano (m) Soy vegetariana (f)

Are there any vegetarian restaurants near here? ¿Hay algún restaurante vegetariano por aquí cerca?

Do you have any vegetarian dishes?  ¿Tiene alguna comida para vegetarianos?

I'm allergic to... . Soy alérgico a ... (m) Soy alérgica a... (f)

I don't eat... No como...

I would like... Quisiera...

I don't drink... No bebo...

Cheese Queso

Milk Leche

Nuts Frutos Secos

Peanuts Cacahuetes

Eggs Huevos

Meat Carne

Fish Pescado

Tuna Atún

Ham Jamón

Spanish translation kindly supplied by Virginia Gámez.  Virginia also gives the following advice:

"I don't know if it happens in other countries but, in Spain, you must be aware of "vegetal" sandwiches and that kind of food, as most of them always include tuna, eggs or even ham! Most of the people don't know what a vegetarian or vegan is, so they could presume you eat sea-food, ham, tuna...Let them know what you don't want! * You can also ask for a salad and they'll serve it with tuna most of the times!"

*If you are able to translate these into another language, please use the contact page and we would be very grateful!  Also, if you find any mistakes in the current translations, please let us know.  Thanks.


The Vegetarian Centre:
(C) 1999-2007 Simon & Maria King

Dedicated to our children, Stephanie & Thomas

Website Design by Yellow Inspiration

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